document.getElementsByClassName = function(className) { var children = document.getElementsByTagName('*') || document.all; var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; var classNames = child.className.split(' '); for (var j = 0; j < classNames.length; j++) { if (classNames[j] == className) { elements.push(child); break; } } } return elements; } var Reflection = { defaultHeight : 0.5, defaultOpacity: 0.5, add: function(image, options) { Reflection.remove(image); doptions = { "height" : Reflection.defaultHeight, "opacity" : Reflection.defaultOpacity } if (options) { for (var i in doptions) { if (!options[i]) { options[i] = doptions[i]; } } } else { options = doptions; } try { var d = document.createElement('div'); var p = image; var classes = p.className.split(' '); var newClasses = ''; for (j=0;j

The Legendary

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0 224 2010-04-26 00:12:52  Coja

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